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Morre Guilherme de Pádua

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Jornal O Avaré 07/11/2022 08:50:00

Guilherme de Pádua died this Sunday (6th), at the age of 53, in Belo Horizonte.

The former actor died suddenly at his home, victim of a heart attack.

In the 1990s, Guilherme was convicted of murdering Daniella Perez, daughter of author Gloria Perez. At the time, Pádua and Daniela acted in the soap opera “De Corpo e Alma”, on TV Globo.

The information of the death was confirmed by Pastor Márcio Valadão, leader of the Lagoinha Baptist Church, in a live on Instagram, on Sunday night.

“He committed that terrible crime with Daniella Perez, was arrested, served his sentence and converted. He inside the house, fell and died. He died now, just now. He had been with us for 15 years, and his pastoral work was precisely to take care of other ex-detainees”.

See the moment when Pastor Marcos Valadão informs about the death of Guilherme de Pádua:

Video sobre a morte de guilherme

Fonte_ Jornal da Cidade Online

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